
Our services to clients are premised on:

  • industry knowledge;
  • professionalism and quality;
  • trust and reliability;
  • responsiveness to our clients needs;
  • ongoing liaison; 
  • serving the best interest of our clients; and
  • value for dollar

Our services include:

                finANCE RELATED                                                   OPERATIONS RELATED
  • Rate Studies (Water, Wastewater, Stormwater, Solid Waste & Irrigation) & By-laws
  • Connection Fees & By-laws
  • Sewage Over-Strength Agreements
  • Septage/ Hauled Waste Fees
  • Bulk Water Fees
  • Administrative  Fees
  • Billing & Collection Reviews
  • Development Charge Studies & By-laws
  • Community Benefit Charge By-laws
  • Solid Waste Landfill Site Closure & Post Closure Liability Assessments (PSAB 3270)
  • Contaminated Site Liability Assessments (PSAB 3260)
  • O.Reg. 453/07 Water Financial Plans
  • O.Reg. 453/07 Equivalent Wastewater Financial Plans
  • Asset Management Plans (O.Reg. 588/17)
  • Asset Management Plan Financial Strategies
  • Cost-of-Service Studies
  • Cost Benefit Analyses
  • Financial Policies
  • Reserves Analyses
  • Capital Planning
  • Financial Research & Analysis
  • Stakeholder/ Public Facilitation
  • Operations Reviews
  • Organizational Reviews
  • Service Level Reviews
  • Water By-laws
  • Sewer Use By-laws
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Water & Wastewater Emergency Response Planning & Training
  • Policies & Procedures
  • DWQMS Operational Plans & Audits
  • Wastewater QMS Operational Plans & Audits
  • Backflow Prevention Programs & By-laws